Behind the name DIRCO

On the 10th of March (2021), I had a chance to listen to an interesting, but also thought-provoking chat held by the University of Pretoria (UP) through its LeadUP: In Conversation with the VC discussions. Centered around the theme ‘International Relations: Strategies for strengthening SA’s reputation on the global stage’ this discussion had raised the significance behind the country's (South Africa) international relations ministry name, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), as we know it. The Vice-Chancellor (VC) and Principal at UP, Professor Tawana Kupe, said for him the name DIRCO had connoted something that meant pursing a good goal in the public interest. In her response to Professor Kupe on how international relations and cooperation was expressed in the actual practice, the Honourable Minister of DIRCO, Dr Naledi Pandor, said; in building international collaboration and partnerships, the government had realized that the practice of diplo...