Youth and international spaces

Despite South Africa having a vibrant and radical youth, as witnessed during the 1976 Uprising and recently with the #FeesMustFall protests, the involvement of young people in international diplomacy remains frustrating. During a recent youth dialogue, hosted by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) under the theme; Enhancing Representation and Leadership of Youth in Foreign Policy Space, a number of young people called for the institutionalization of transcontinental spaces, inclusivity at DIRCO, and to be considered for the country’s foreign relations posts. The panel discussion had uncovered the lack of youth involvement not only in foreign policy-making, but also on the global programs such the Build Back Better , as countries around the world sought to rebuild post the Covid-19 pandemic. Acting Chief Operations Officer (COO) at DIRCO, Charlotte Lobe, said the rules and protocol in international diplomacy were sometimes too complex...